Friday, September 14, 2012

Peace out, Zuckerberg.

I decided the other day to get off Facebook for a bit.  I am always saying I don't have time for this or time for that...yet I probably spent at least 30 minutes a day on that blasted Facebook.

30 minutes can be spent reading with my kids or folding a load of laundry, so I deactivated my account for a while.


Yesterday Jayden received a certificate for scoring advanced on the reading comprehension portion of the Connecticut Mastery Test.  Standardized tests are so dumb...but she did great and we are very proud of the little smarty pants.  She is incredibly proud of her first official-looking certificate.

She shook hands with the mayor as he handed her the certificate.  In Ryan's mind, that was akin to meeting President Obama.  :)

Happy Friday!


  1. Go Jayden! Auntie Jess, Brian, & Emmy Lou are all VERY proud of you!!!

  2. Way go you, Jayden. You're a smart little cookie! Needless to say M'me and P'pe are proud of you!
